TILL- A brief Overview
It’s a wonderful opportunity to share about where God has placed and what he is accomplishing in and through us for his Kingdom work. Here is a brief overview about TILL and what it does. We are a ministry in India called TILL, which stands for Translating for India’s Leading Languages. We are working on to bring in a dynamic, high-impact Bible version in some major languages for outreach and deeper scripture engegment among people.
The Vision of TILL
TILL seeks to give to the speakers of India’s leading languages the word of God in a form that is accurate, clear and natural. TILL prioritizes the spiritual needs of the have-nots: the less-reached, the less-churched, the less-educated, the lower-caste, the non-urban. (Hence the name of the NOBO project: the New Outreach Bible in Odia.) TILL envisions tens of millions of Indians reading or hearing a Bible that is truly incarnational: in which God sounds like a Father, in which Christ sounds like Immanuel-- one of us, near to us, and in which the Spirit is doing again what he did at Pentecost, speaking in the language of family.
Contact us
If you would like to know more, you may Contact us with following Details:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91 7978183972